Join Film Columbus and Industry Professionals to Testify and SAVE OHIO FILM JOBS!
The Senate Finance Committee will be holding public testimony on Thursday, May 23rd at 9:00 AM. The hearings are on tax and general government topics which includes the Ohio Motion Picture Tax Credit.
Please consider attending! Testifying is not mandatory to attend; we hope to show the strength of our numbers as much as we want to tell our lawmakers how this decision will affect our industry.
If you would like to testify you will have to submit a witness slip no later than Wednesday, May 22 at 9am (24hrs prior to hearing). To download a witness slip click HERE. If you are going to testify you should include your written testimony with your witness slip although it is not mandatory. Send your witness slip and testimony to Sarah Totedo (Chairman Dolan’s Legislative Assistant) at
Tax matters will be heard first, so please plan accordingly if you intend to testify. We anticipate a large crowd so the hearings could go into the afternoon.
Hearings will take place in the Senate Finance Hearing Room at the Ohio State House.
Download witness slip.
Download meeting agenda.
Economic impact studies have been completed in Columbus, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. The three studies were completed by different institutions or firms and did not reference each other. All three studies came to the same conclusion that for every $1 that is put into the program the state reaps approximately $2 in return. To read the Columbus study click HERE. This study makes an assumption of two low-budget films shooting in Columbus.